Monday, September 25, 2023

Campfire Cupcakes

Autumn is finally here and there is nothing like a campfire, 

but if you can't have a real campfire, make an edible one!
These cupcakes are the perfect fall dessert!

The flames are easy to make.  Melt some orange/yellow/red chocolate buttons in zip baggies and cut a small corner off the bottom of each bag:

Squirt a little chocolate onto parchment paper:

Blend upwards with back of a spoon or spatula:

Let cool back to a hardened state and gently peel off paper:

The cupcakes were frosted with milk chocolate frosting:

I cut these cookies into 1" pieces:

The cookies and 'flames' were pressed into the frosting:

They were delicious!!

Last year I made a Campfire Cake:

I also tried to make logs with Tootsie Rolls, I simply rolled them to make them a bit thinner and longer:

It's always fun to "play with food"!

These are fabulous serving pieces:
                        MacKenzie-Childs Royal Check Enamel Pedestal Cake Platter
                                 MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Enamel Saucer

Sterling Check Banners
Patti @ Pandoras Box
Patti @ Pandoras Box

I live in central NY and I am a retired family and consumer science teacher. I enjoy all types of crafting, decorating and cooking


  1. These are absolutely adorable Patti! I love the way you made the flames and the logs!

  2. This is so cool Patti! What a creative idea and the logs and the flame look amazing on top of the cupcakes. They look delicious and I hope you enjoyed them! Happy Monday to you.

  3. The cupcakes would be perfect for my upcoming girls weekend in the Adirondacks. Love them!

  4. Oh wowza Patti... those cupcakes look positively delish! Have a great week!

  5. Perfect little cupcakes for fall. I love the flames.
