Saturday, December 25, 2021

Two Christmas Homes....

This is a "photo dump" of  2 different homes, both are so festive and fun.  The first is an old friend who keeps Christmas up all year and the second is a new friend who adores MacKenzie-Childs....


There is no way to describe this home, but I will say that I didn't get photos of everything!!  Everytime I go there I notice something different!

Enjoy a peek into their Christmas Home:

You can't help but leave there with a smile on your face!

This home is also a favorite of mine to visit:  Collectors of MacKenzie-Childs and a home that is filled with lovely ceramic pieces, lots of garlands and many trees, some even hanging from the ceiling!

This was my fav tree....

...just take a peek of what's hidden inside...

...beautiful ceramics....

...tee pots and cups!

These two homes are so festive, happy and high spirited!  

Enjoy this week and I hope you are able to celebrate with family and close friends -
Stay safe and be MERRY!

Patti @ Pandoras Box
Patti @ Pandoras Box

I live in central NY and I am a retired family and consumer science teacher. I enjoy all types of crafting, decorating and cooking


  1. beautiful! Amazing collections of decorations. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow, I admire people who go all out to decorate their house. It all looks amazing!! I put out a tree and a few pieces around the house and it all takes so much time, lol. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a great 2022.

  3. Amazing homes all decked out for Christmas. There is so much to look at. How special you got to visit each home.
