Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Tales of the Traveling Tote #42

The Tales of the Traveling Tote is a series of adventures that share where our Mackenzie Childs tote bags have taken us.  Four times a year a group of bloggers each write a connected post about the places we have been.  To read about how it all began, go HERE


December was a busy month with lunches with friends, a few workshops and family events.  We had snow off an on and anyplace that had a fireplace was where I wanted to be!

Christmas week was wonderful having both of my daughters home with their families.  We treated them all to a Syracuse University basketball game before they all returned home:

The end of January we traveled to Hawaii for 12 days

John has wanted to see Pearl Harbor for years, so this trip was all his idea.  Our first full day started off cloudy and then a WINTER STORM came through, flooding parts of the Base.  It was torrential and lasted til midnight. 

The sun appeared the next day and we could see Diamond Head from the beach and the restaurant, however we weren't able to hike it due to mud and slippery areas from the storm:

I got my Vitamin D and Vitamin C daily!!!

Waikiki Beach at sunrise and mid day:

The Luaus, Polynesian Shows and daily entertainment was exciting and festive:

On Day 4 we boarded the Norwegian Pride of America to cruise the islands for 7 days.

In Maui we rode the 10,000' elevation to Haleakala National Park and saw a 7 mile wide crater.  We were also able to see our cruise ship from there, it was barely visible but amazing to see it from that height!  The winding road gave me a bit of anxiety, especially once we entered the park and there were no guard rails along the side of the road!!

We were unable to dock at Hilo, on the big island due to rough waters but we were able to see the active volcano, spewing steam,  from the ship:

We cruised to the other side of the island to Kona, explored and shopped:

Random TOTE pics:

I learned how to make Ribbon Leis on the ship one afternoon:

We enjoyed lovely sunrises and sunsets:

The last two cruise days we docked in Kauai, which was our favorite island!

It was a fabulous two weeks and it was so nice to get away from our cold, snowy winter and feel the sunshine!

We met 4 fabulous woman from So Dakota and plan on keeping in touch:


In a few weeks I am heading back to the sunshine and will spend two weeks in Florida!

LEAVE me a comment below for a chance to win!!

Let's see where these friends spent the last few months:

 Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch   

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box  YOU ARE HERE

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Bookish Dilettante  

Shop MacKenzie-Childs!

Here's a memory from 5 years ago when MacKenzie-Childs made each one of us a special tote bag:

Patti @ Pandoras Box
Patti @ Pandoras Box

I live in central NY and I am a retired family and consumer science teacher. I enjoy all types of crafting, decorating and cooking


  1. Patti, your trip through the Hawaiian Islands truly seemed magical. I can't imagine living there as a mainland transplant like my friend does now, but to visit would definitely be a bucket list trip. Thankfully your timing only had you seeing that one winter storm. Having your girls and their families together has to be the best kind of hectic holidays! Happy March, Patti!

  2. Hi I’m Lisa lee, I adore Mackenzie decor! The new colors are lovely too! I’d love a chance at the eyeglass case xoxo

  3. Patti, It looks like you and John saw so much of the islands even though it started off with rain, glad the sun came out for most of your trip. I've heard about the winding road in Maui, that would give me a lot of anxiety! When we were there we took a ship around the island and came into the port of Pearl Harbor, like my dad did when he was in the service. He always thought that was great I was able to see it like he did. We visited Kauai, my favorite as well. Glad you had both your girls and their families for the holidays, that's always the best! Happy March.......

  4. Wow, this post really has me wanting to take a big vacation! I would be traveling solo, but what fun to meet other ladies out traveling, too!

  5. Maybe I’ll see you there…in Florida that is!!
    I even live in the south but have the need for sunshine and saltwater! Leaving end of march and staying till mid may…it’s how I restore my soul!! And my spirit! Only plan is to walk the beach, read, sit in my chair for days at edge of water and have girlfriends for some of that time with me!
    Maybe I need a tote bag!!!

  6. jmac…that was me! 👆🏻👆🏻

  7. Patti, so fun to celebrate the holidays with family, the littles are growing up so fast. Hawaii is always a fun trip. How special John wanted to visit to catch up on history and see Pearl Harbor. Looks like you two packed in a lot of fun activities. Cruising. Swimming and traveling the back roads is so fun and adventurous. I love attending luau and those delicious cocktails too. Kudos to you both on your awesome travels. Happy March.

  8. It is so fun to read your blog Patti! I loved getting to know you & John on the Hawaii trip! Great to see your wonderful pictures! Have fun in Florida!

    1. Sorry I didn’t see how to list my name the first comment. 🤣
