Thursday, July 11, 2024

The NY State Canal System

My friend Deb notified me of the most fascinating event happening on the Erie Canal.  

The Ralph Wilson Park Bridge was being transported through the Canal System from NYC Harbor to Buffalo this week on two large barges.  

Apparently it was too large to travel by the NYS Thruway without causing closures.

It arrived in NYC harbor from Italy in June and has traveled through the Erie Canal this month, with anticipated arrival in Buffalo around July 15.

Today (July 10) I watched it travel through Lock 23 in Brewerton NY.  The two barges were separated for each to travel through the lock individually due to their length.  

Inside the lock:

Watching the locks operate is intriguing,  the water lowering almost 7' and each barge being flushed out of the lock.

The second gate to be opened to release the barge:

From the other side:

The second barge entering the lock, with the tug boat behind it:

Reconnecting the two barges:

This took about 45 minutes for both to pass through and be reconnected.  It travels about 5 miles per hour.

And off to the next lock in Baldwinsville:

We were so close we actually could have jumped aboard and become stowaways!

Info on the NYS Canal System can be found here: CANAL

Info on the bridge, it's purpose and design can be found here: BRIDGE

Patti @ Pandoras Box
Patti @ Pandoras Box

I live in central NY and I am a retired family and consumer science teacher. I enjoy all types of crafting, decorating and cooking

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