Monday, February 21, 2022

Decorating for St Patrick's Day

All of the Valentine decor has been packed away and I brought out a few St Pat's decorations!

One of my favorite things to decorate each holiday and/or season is my bar cart:

It's always ready for a spontaneous happy hour or dessert!  These beautiful yellow, handblown glasses are from Anthropologie and the 2 sets of melamine dishes are from the Christmas Tree Shop.  The faux cupcake is from @Suzzieqsfauxtreats on Instagram.  

St Patrick's Day is the feast day of St. Patrick, a patron saint of Ireland, celebrated on the anniversary of his death date.   Originally celebrated with religious feasts and services, St. Patrick's Day became a secular celebration of Irish culture when it reached the United States alongside Irish immigrants.

This blessing was a gift from my niece and the Beleek dish was a gift my SIL brought back from her trip to Ireland:

St. Patrick's revelers thought wearing green made one invisible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see (anyone not wearing green). People began pinching those who didn't wear green as a reminder that leprechauns would sneak up and pinch green-abstainers.

This tray is on my sofa table and is another area I love to add seasonal decor.
This little green vase, a gift from MacKenzie-Childs, holds a vintage M-C floral and bead curtain tieback from many years ago!  Green shamrock fairy lights are tucked in and around the vignette:

Do you decorate for St Pat's?

Patti @ Pandoras Box
Patti @ Pandoras Box

I live in central NY and I am a retired family and consumer science teacher. I enjoy all types of crafting, decorating and cooking


  1. I've been decorating for St. Pat's and Mardi Gras, it's so nice the Spring holidays are spread out this year! Your bar cart looks very festive! ☘️

  2. You have prompted me to get out my decorations. Love your bar cart all deocorated. I can't find an antique postcard I have for St. Patricks Day.
    Happy Monday.

  3. All looks fun and festive. I pulled my tote out, but it sits unopened for now. You are inspiring me to get moving!

  4. Love all the festive vignettes Patti. I don't do a lot for St. Patrick's day but I sure enjoy everyone's vignettes. Great cart ideas......Happy week.
