What's a galette?
It's simply a freeform, flat round pasty filled with fruit or vegetables, served hot or cold.
John loves apple pie - I don't enjoy making pies at all, and I don't particularly like pies, so we compromise and I often make a galette. They've got all the delicious elements of pie: a flaky crust and tender baked cinnamonny apples. I don't have to crimp any edges or cut a pretty design on a top crust, so I think that it's ok to take the easy road. I also use prepared pie crust, so making a galette is so much easier than a pie!
Apple Galette
Easier than a pie anyday!
Here's a pie plate that is so easy to clean: Pie Plate

I love galettes and just made a vegetable one this morning to have for dinner tonight! Your apple one sounds so good!