Friday, October 3, 2014

The day after Boston….

After our day in Boston, we headed to Plymouth to the Plymouth Bay Winery and the Waterfront for dinner

We stayed in Sandwich at my BFF's house and this was our morning view:

We went to the Sandwich Boardwalk….

…shopped in the town...

… had lunch at Casino Wharf in Falmouth...

overlooking Martha's Vineyard….

It was a great getaway with Mom!

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  1. What a pretty place to visit. Love the view at your BFF's home.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I am so glad you had a such a great time with your Mom. That view is gorgeous!!!! xo Diana

  3. Where did you eat in many choices! You were just down the street from me!!

  4. The cape is always pretty. Love the views! Glad you had a terrific weekend away with your mom.

  5. What a gorgeous view, Patti! I'll bet you had some great weather for this trip, too.
