Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ten Minute Pickles

This is a quick way to make pickles in about 10 minutes.

Slice thinly: 4 pickling cucumbers and one onion and stack them into 3 small sterilized jars.

Bring to a boil: 1 1/2 cups of white vinegar, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 t turmeric, 1T kosher salt and 1T mustard seed.

Quickly pour hot vinegar over cukes and seal jars immediately.

The best part of making pickles is that the jars "seal" themselves and do not have to be processed!  The seals will "pop" as the liquid cools.

Pickles in less than 10 minutes!

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  1. Good to know! We love pickles and I've always wanted to make my own. C'mon on over when you have a chance. I'm having a giveaway!


  2. Look and sounds yummy. I will pass this along to daughter as she is making pickles, relish, etc. to use up end of season cucumbers.
    Thanks for sharing.
