Wednesday, July 21, 2010

MacKenzie-Childs Store

A few unique items I found hanging in the M-C store...
Here is a grand chandelier on display. It is made from spoons:And this one is made from spoons and tea cups:

I think this could be replicated by some clever bloggers I know!

Stay tuned: Tomorrow I will show photos of Victoria and Richard MacKenzie-Childs home.
If you missed the last 2 days about M-C, read the posts here, the Barn Sale and here, The Farm House.

Offering some inspiration by joining Tales from Bloggeritaville


  1. Gorgeous chandeliers! When I first saw the picture I had no idea it was spoons. Love the one with the tea cups too!

  2. This sure didn't look like spoons when I saw the first picture! Just too cute.
    :-) Sue

  3. Wow, you are so creative - thanks for your kind comments about my Christmas dishes. I hope you will consider becoming a follower and a subscriber - I'm brand new and could sure use some new friends!

  4. Those chandeliers are fabulous! I've never seen anything like them. Projects like that get you to thinking... ;o)

  5. I have to agree. The thumbnail never gave it away. Very cool seen up closer.

  6. how cool is that. someone must have stumbled on an estate sale of teacups and spoons and was very clever.

  7. Look what you found! SO gorgeous and clever! I bet some creative blogger is making this as we speak. Can't hardly wait!
