Thursday, July 22, 2010

Home Again - Mackenzie-Childs

This is the home that Victoria and Richard MacKenzie-Childs lived in when the opened their business in Aurora, NY. Each room is painted similar to the patterns on their pottery, they were the original templates!! A sunroom to the left has assorted tiles on the floor, each pattern diferent from the next. The home is now a Bed and Breakfast, operated by their daughter Heather and her husband, Lars. One of my favorite features of the home is in the master bedroom on the top floor. The doors of a huge armoire opens up to 2 steps which lead to a hidden hallway. This home is on the lakeside and has lovely views. The pergola in the back is covered with wistoria. Victoria's closet still displays some unique shoes and has pottery shards glued all over the ceiling.

Adjacent to the home is a carriage house that houses the Home Again shop which carries Victoria and Richard's new line of lamps, rugs, pottery, dishes, glassware and jewelry. Heather and her family live above the shop:

Isn't this bracelet adorable?

Here's Victoria "signing" pottery and dishes
The brick driveway had this cute tablescape:
with adorable napkin rings:
and colorful glassware:
I wish they still owned the original company, but change happens!

So, I have posted a week of MacKenzie-Childs...stop by tomorrow to see my favorite purchase!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful pictures. I went back to read all four posts. I will be back to see your favorite purchase.

  2. I have to admit that I had never heard of MacKenzie-Childs until I started following your blog. I guess I'm clueless when it comes to certain things. I enjoyed all of the tours this week.
