Sunday, January 25, 2015

Shabby Vintage Sewing Chest

Last fall I bought this little vintage sewing chest and I have been looking at it for months...

…just waiting for some inspiration...

I pulled out some white and grey chalk paints and just painted away...

...I painted some branches and birds...

…and then waxed it with dark wax.

Now, on to the next project….

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  1. That is an adorable piece and I like with you did with it Patti!

  2. This steals my heart since I love to sew and love vintage sewing stuff!

  3. GORGEOUS makeover Patti!!!! It's beautiful. =) Hope you're prepping for the blizzard. Stay safe, my friend.


  4. Fun new piece, Patti. Vintage sewing items interest me. I bet someone will snatch this right up.

  5. How cute is that! My husband gave me a small wood sewing box (with those flip out compartments) for Christmas. It is filled with very few items and I'm thinking of painting it. Since I already have a sewing box, I'd like to figure out something I can use it for. It would probably be great for little doodads.

  6. Oh my goodness! I do love it, love it, love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. It is just are one talented lady....:)

  8. I LOVE what you did with this sweet sewing chest! I want to learn to use chalk paint- you are inspiring. :)
