Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Keeping busy, keeping warm...

This is what has been going on in "my neck of the woods"...

My baby turned 28 (left)….

..this was a good read…it only took an afternoon to finish...

…our weather has been cold, perfect for soups, stews and hearty meals...

…and I saw a great Barbra Streisand imitator the other night...

January can be a cold, snowy month in Central NY, so I have spent a lot of time inside, organizing, cleaning and being lazy on the couch!

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  1. Awe...beautiful ladies~ My baby turned 28 this past August. Soup....LOVE soup all year around! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. Sounds like you are keeping busy this cold winter! xo Diana

  3. Happy Birthday to "your baby". She is beautiful! It's definitely soup weather here. Too cold to do much out and about. I'm snuggled in by a fire.
