Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's a sad day around here today...


  1. I'm heartbroken to read this post - it's the hardest thing to let go of a precious furry family member

  2. I am so sorry. She was such a pretty cat. It's always so hard to lose a furry baby, especially for children.

  3. Oh, I am so sorry! We lost Mr. Champagne a couple of months ago, and his brother Tiger is still acting bereft. We've had them for 14 years, so not as long as you had Pandora.

  4. I'm so sorry you had to say goodby to your dearest pet! Oh, my heart goes out to all of you as I know what it's like..2 1/2 years ago we lost our beloved pug Ben of 13 years and I still miss him so much, specially C'mas time, he was so funny, lovable, adorable and cute..I could go on...Big hugs to you and yours.

  5. I am so sorry my 19 year old cat is on the arm rest of my chair as I write this I hope she lives forever.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear what you're going thru. So sad! I went thru this not too long ago. We miss them terribly!

  7. I'm so so sorry. It's so hard to lose one of our furry kids. They have our hearts.

    I lost my big girl husky/collie about 2 months ago and it broke my heart. She was right there by my side when I was so sick from chemo. I still cry every time I even think about her.

  8. It's always sad to loose a beloved pet. We have lost several and still think of them. Sorry to hear that Pandora is now in cat heaven. With my Samantha, Bocephus and Susie, they are sure to keep her company.
