Saturday, December 1, 2012

An Anthropologie Tree

The original date of this post was Dec.6, 2011 and there has been over 6,000 pageviews and even more "pins".  This is why I think it is worthy of a re-post!

I just saw this clever tree in the Rochester Anthropologie store:
Old books stacked high to create a tree shape, with large lights.

I want this - in my Library - that I don't have - too bad I get rid of my books after I read them - this sounds like a new project for me, which of course would require an addition on the house, gorgeous built-in shelves, red leather chairs with ottomans, a fireplace, braided rugs, and maybe even a small dog - maybe next year??

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  1. Patti,
    Thanks for sharing this neat looking tree.


  2. I made that tree last year for our book store.
    I still love it.

  3. I just saw a book tree today in PA and took a photo. I'd never get 6000 views, I'd have to be on Blogger 6000 years! :) xo

  4. When you showed that tree last year, I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into to our village library and they had one identical to that. I agree that you make one, and our library always has free books in the entry way. Want me to start collecting them for you? LOL

  5. Good Afternoon Patti, Well how funny, my friend sent me this picture only yesterday afternoon. I thought it was very creative and have sent it on to my daughter who does have enough books to make this tree....isn't it fabulous. Enjoy your weekend. Best Wishes Daphne

  6. Wow! That is amazing! I don't have enough books to do that but I know my Mom does!


  7. I just tried this on my coffee table last night so it is funny to see it done now on your blog. It didn't work for me because I don't have enough books to pull this off. I think it's so cool but hubby didn't get it! It's gone now and the books are all put back.
