Friday, November 16, 2012

Bunco Night....

BJ, over at Sweet Nothings, hosted Bunco at her home this week.  Her friends play during the day.  I also hosted our monthly Bunco game, however we play at 7 pm.  For those of you who don't know the game, we roll dice and it takes no talent or strategy at all - and we use it as an excuse to eat and drink and gossip about the neighbors who don't play bunco!!

I made some score cards and table cards with dice:

I used the same graphic to make toothpicks to hold Herb and Ham Roll-Ups:

I also made caramel dipped grapes:

The mini Swedish Meatballs were delish:

The pepper-onion dip was very spicy!

And the hot baked caramelized onion dip was a hit:

 And for the sweet tooth: chocolate covered popcorn...

and lemon cake pops:

I also served wine punch and a variety of wines.

And did we play?  Yes, for about 1/2 hour, then we just drank and ate ourselves silly!

And the girl with the most Buncos won this prize, a silver creamer painted in checks with a holiday arrangement:

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  1. OMGosh sounds like an awesome night! Love it!

  2. Patti, what clever ideas to carry out the black and white theme. The food looks chocolate on popcorn. ;-)
