Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Has anyone ever done this?

So, I did, what I think any other blogger would do, dropped the M&M bag, rifled through my purse for my camera, opened the car windows, and took a photo to the left and another to the right.

BUT what really annoyed me is the impatient guy behind me who kept honking his horn - apparently the light had turned from red to green and back to red!

I was tempted to get out of the car and take a photo of his scowling stare, but the light turned to green again and I wanted some more M&Ms and I had another call coming in!

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  1. I hate it when impatient drivers get behind me and I'm trying to take photos!

  2. :D Lovely autumn photos, and I personally appreciate your efforts in taking them!


  3. Maybe we should all have bumper stickers that say "I brake for photos--I'm a blogger." :)

  4. Lol, good thing you weren't in the city!

    It is such a beautiful time of year , a gift before the bleak winter!

  5. I like Richella's idea about the bumper sticker. ;-)
    Beautiful shot from your car window, Patti. You live in a gorgeous area.

  6. LOL Great post!!
    Beautiful shots and yes I would definitely do something like that!!

  7. Stunning view! I would have stopped too. =)


  8. I'll bet, after honking, he looked to see what you were taking pics of and saw the beautiful sight, too. :))

  9. Let's hope that driver stops to smell the roses some day himself! Then he will "get it". LOL

  10. LOL The pictures are beautiful! How can anybody get annoyed with you for admiring such gorgeous view!

  11. Our colours are just about at peak right now, they don't get as brilliant as they do in NY. Gotta love NC, the eastern end of the state has a hurricaine warning, the western part ofthe state has a winter storm warning. I am in the middle of the state and it's just going to be windy and cold the next couple days, good knitting weather. And making soup weather. And maybe banana bread weather. And taking an afternoon nap weather. Happy Halloween!
