Monday, August 6, 2012

My $.65 plate

Every Sunday, In Syracuse , NY, we have a flea market at the Regional Market. There are always hidden treasures and I have been lucky to find a few! This hand painted plate cost only $.65...that right, 65 CENTS!
Today I am having dinner for one out on the front porch. I am into a great book and each night after dinner, I plop myself on the love seat and read until dusk. So, tonight I can "read through dinner"!

My husband will be golfing, so I will have a quiet, simple dinner.
When I complete this book, I will have read all of Hilderbrand's books - and this one is GREAT!
All of her stories take place on the islands of Cape Cod and I truly live in each book as if I am there. These are great summer reads!
Sorry, there is no room to join me - and I wouldn't be great company with my nose in this book!
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  1. I love Elin Hildebrand; I haven't read all of her books but have enjoyed the ones I have read. Right now I am reading Game Change about the 2008 elections, fascinating read. I'm about halfway through the book already. Busy working on another shawl, and I printed out enough new shawl patterns over the weekend to fill another binder. I'm hopeless!

  2. Pati, what a pretty dish. Love the colors! Is that a napkin ring you made from a knob? Cute idea. I'm going to get some of Elin Hildebrands books. Enjoy your read! ~ Sarah

  3. What a cute table and your setting for one looks perfect! Enjoy your book!

  4. The plate is a beauty. Sometimes solitude is good.

  5. Dinner on the porch in the company of a good book sounds wonderful! I've read a couple of her books but not that one. Love your plate~ what a find!

  6. What a really cute place to set up to do some serious reading. Cute cute plate! What a steal. xo marlis

  7. Such a cute plate and it is just perfect for your reading time! Enjoy!


  8. Wow! What a great deal on a cute plate. It looks like a Mac Kenzie Childs. Pretty set up!...Christine

  9. Such sweet set up, I'm loving the pretty plate and and fish napkin holder. What a bargain too! Happy Let's Dish.

  10. What a deal!!! Awesome plate and napkin ring.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. That dish is an AWESOME find! Love the fun colors and it pairs so well with the napkin ring!

  12. Cute it on the checkerboard table!

  13. I will have to try one of her books and the plate looks so MC! Great find!
