Monday, October 24, 2011

There's SNOW in the forecast!

In Syracuse we have often seen snow around Halloween time.
This morning I heard that we might have snow flurries on Thursday!
My two rose bushes are still blooming and
I didn't want them to freeze and wilt! So, I picked 2 bouquets!
I will miss fresh flowers in the house all winter, so until spring, this will be it!
Can you tell which milk glass vase is a Fenton?


  1. Snow?? Living in Florida I can't even imagine snow in October - we rarely get snow flurries in the dead of winter! But I bet it is still beautiful!

  2. So very glad you rescued some before the snow!!! Laurel@chippingwithcharm

  3. Is that Fenton thing a trick question? Maybe it's because I'm tired, but they look about the same to me.

    Hard to imagine snow in October, but then again I live in the southern US where we normally don't get snow until Feb. or March and usually once a dusting once. Yet I an online friends with someone in New York who sometimes gets it this early.

    Enjoy your roses while you can! Thank you for visiting my blog recently.

  4. OMG Patti, can you believe it? I'm so NOT excited about the idea of Snow, but it's in the forcast here too - which means if I want to preserve the beauty of my dahlia's, I better get on it and do the same thing you did!

  5. I lived in Rochester for awhile and was shocked when it snowed on Halloween. I'm going to miss fresh flowers too.

  6. We may get down below 32 either tonight or tomorrow night------for us, that's cold! Possible flurries in the mountains. Went to the coolest Amish Market today, you would have gone bananas with all the bulk baking products! Happy Halloween!
