Monday, July 19, 2010

For all of you MacKenzie-Childs lovers:

I am joining Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm to share some inspiration today.

I went to the MacKenzie-Childs barn sale this past weekend. This festive event takes place once a year and people save their money in hopes that their favorite items will be on sale in the barn and in the tents.
The grounds are spectacular. This duck pond is in between the shop and the barn:
The shop is exquisite - but, we'll tour the shop on another post.
Outside is a display of their new outdoor plastic wicker-like cost a gazillion dollars!
And the courtyard has cute tables with courtly checked umbrellas (one often finds the bored "husbands" sitting out here)
They have even painted the sawhorse blockades in courtly checks:
The gardens are simply lovely and gives the patient people in line something to admire:
And who wouldn't want a grill painted in the courtly checks (and displayed with flowers, rather than charcoal!). There were only a few left:
I wanted a tuffet....but much too expensive:
But I am thinking about using this one as inspiration:
Stay tuned for photos from the farmhouse as well as photos from Victoria and Richard's Home Again Store (they also held a sale the same day at their B&B down the road, where they lived when they started the business in the 90's).


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you have been inspired to create!!

  2. What a beautiful place. I love the arched entryway in the picture and all of the courtly checks everywhere!! That grill is just too cute!
    I hope you enjoyed your time with that handsome grandson of yours!!

  3. This place is amazing! What a great place to get inspired from. I also wanted to stop by and thank you for your nice comment on my blog. You can come shopping with me anytime. :)

  4. Wow! What a neat place Patti! Thanks for sharing it. Also, so happy you stopped by!

    love, kelee

  5. Please, Please, PUH-LEEZE work your magic and make a tuffet.....with a tutorial for us! I would love to see what you come up with because I want one too! Thanks, Patti!

  6. I posted B/W checks in my post as well...but not on the same scale or in the same price range. This does look like a place one goes for inspiration.
