Thursday, July 1, 2010

Coming soon...

I'm thrilled to be able to do a review for CSN Stores! CSN Stores has over 200 different online retail stores to choose from and over one million items, including beautiful dining room tables, children's furniture, and cookware! They offer competitive pricing that you can't find on other retail online stores. Their vision is to be a household brand name and they are currently one of the top 3 online U.S. retailers of home and office goods!

A few of my of my favorite aspects of their website are the competetive pricing and the variety of items you can find on these sites:,,,,, and

CSN supports their community, and just this month they brought in over 590 pounds of food in a company wide food drive. They have also participated in other events such as Light The Night Walk, JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, and the March of Dimes March for Babies.

I am hoping to review this Rachael Ray baking dish from CSN Stores ...SO, stay tuned!


  1. Wow, congrats. Enjoy the review Ü

  2. Oh I love Rachel Ray! Have a Great and Blessed July 4th. Cindy

  3. Hey Patti--I've heard of CSN stores, but I've never known anything about them. How did you learn about them? Maybe when you do your review you can write a little introduction.

    Take care! Hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th of July!
