Wednesday, September 12, 2012

MacKenzie-Childs Pillow

I couldn't justify spending a lot of money on a MacKenzie-Childs pillow. So I did what I know best - imitate it for less by making it myself!
I took a MacKenzie-Childs fabric napkin that measure 18"square, some black fabric from Hobby Lobby, a pillow insert and some fringe and turned it into a pillow:
I wanted it to be just a cover on the insert so the back has two pieces, that overlapped, making it easy to insert or remove the pillow form:

I sewed the edges of the back pieces to hide the raw edges and stitched the 2 pieces to the napkin (right sides together)
The most important thing to remember when stitching corners is to cut them in a diagonal to reduce the bulk when they are turned right-side out:
This will give you nice sharp corners:
This is the pillow with the pillow form inside - perfect fit!
But it needed trim! I hand sewed the fringe to the front of the pillow:
And this is how the reverse side looks - if you look closely, you will see the opening which will make it easy to remove the pillow form:
MacKenzie-Childs sells their Courtly Check pillows for $100-$150 - so this was an inexpensive way to create my own!
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It's Stinkin Cute @ Its' Sew Stinkin Cute
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  1. Patti, I love it! I'm thinking about getting the napkins and making two chair cushions for my bistro set. I've got until next May to get them done ;o)

  2. Just it to pieces.
    Just came over from Sarah's and am still breathless from that AWESOME tea pot. OMGosh.

  3. Love it...the fringe adds the perfect finishing touch!

  4. It looks terrific on your sofa, Patti. You are very clever!
